Living Beyond Expectations

01 - Humanity In the Age of AI with Christina Berkley

Episode Summary

Join Henri and Christina Berkely as they explore the impact of artificial intelligence on human connection and our soulful engagement in life. They discuss the importance of immersing in traditional experiences like book clubs and tea ceremonies to maintain our humanity in an increasingly AI-driven world.

Episode Notes

Dive into a captivating discussion with Henri and Christina Berkely as they unravel the complexities of artificial intelligence and its profound effects on human consciousness and connection. In this episode, they delve into transhumanism and the quest for immortality, contrasting these concepts with the timeless need for genuine human experiences. Henri and Christina advocate for deep intelligence through presence, focused attention, and engagement with collective wisdom.

The conversation also highlights enriching practices such as tea ceremonies and the tactile joy of reading physical books—activities that anchor us in our humanity and shield our consciousness in a technologically dominated world. They explore the metaphorical depths of the mind, comparing the conscious to the surface of the water and the unconscious to its mysterious, submerged layers. By journeying into these depths, they suggest, we access intuition and transform hidden wounds, transcending the superficial interactions offered by AI.

Christina emphasizes the irreplaceable value of human connection—being truly seen and understood by another—and the limitations of AI in replicating this deep interpersonal engagement.

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Christina Berkley is a transformational coach and the founder of The Center for Deep Intelligence. With a background as a founding co-chair of the NEXUS Futurism Working Group, she delves into the essence of human consciousness and the pivotal experiences that define our humanity. Christina has immersed herself in diverse environments worldwide, learning from leading educators and coaches.

She collaborates with visionary leaders and influencers, helping them impact global outcomes significantly. As a mentor and trainer, she is dedicated to enhancing the coaching industry's standards, guiding new change-makers to develop successful businesses and profound coaching abilities.

Passionate about our evolving global community, Christina is committed to guiding humanity through the swift transitions of the AI era, fostering resilience and adaptability.

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00:00Introduction and Overview

02:50The Dangers of Relying on AI for Immortality

08:16Disconnecting to Reconnect: The Importance of Sensory Experience

13:26AI-Free Spaces and the Role of Paywalls

23:48The Role of Coaches and Therapists in Cultivating Deep Intelligence

37:49Going Deeper: Exploring the Unconscious Mind

45:14Healing and Transformation: Accessing the Deeper Parts of Ourselves

48:02The Limitations of AI: The Importance of Human Connection

55:46Cultivating Our Humanity: Staying in the Field of Possibility

01:03:40Building a Better Relationship with Ourselves: The Key to Cultivating Our Humanity

Episode Transcription

Henri (00:00.11)

You're listening to Living Beyond Expectations, a podcast dedicated to exploring what life could be like when we believe that the source of our power is within us, that we have everything we need to live life more freely, more joyously, and deeper than anything we could ever imagine. I'm Henri Emile, your host, coach, and recovering people pleaser. In today's conversation, I'm joined by a very special guest, Christina Berkeley. She's my coach. She's a mentor, a teacher.


and she's worked with some of the most influential people of our time. She also supports other coaches in deepening their capacities to foster a higher caliber of coaches. She recently started the Center for Deep Intelligence, a community dedicated to stewarding humanity in the age of artificial intelligence. In today's episode, we're talking about that very thing, how to be human in a time when the very definition of what it means to be human is in question. From virtual realities and chips in the brain, even the question of immortality.


How do we maintain our connection with some of the things that make us our most powerful? The ability to feel, connect, and interact with the world around us. How can we disconnect in order to reconnect with something deeper, more sensual, and better than anything a virtual reality could ever provide? Finally, we talk about deep intelligence. What is it, and do we all have it? I'll give you a hint, of course we do. We explore what it means and how to access it. So please enjoy this conversation with me.


Christina Berkeley. And if you haven't already, remember to subscribe wherever you listen to your podcasts because we are just getting started. So today I am so excited to have Christina Berkeley. She has been my coach. She's been my teacher. She's been my mentor, my colleague, and dare I say we're on the on the friend stage as well. She has rocked my entire world more than once and really helped me get to this place that I'm at today.


And so I'm super excited today. We're going to dive into some very timely, very top of the mind conversation around AI. And so, you know, we're just going to dive into it. So welcome. Thank you. Exciting. Yeah. So the dive right in, like I said, we're talking about AI here and in some circles you could call them transhumanists. That's one of the labels that's out there.


Henri (02:27.438)

But in other circles, there's this idea that's I think kind of gaining a little bit of momentum where human beings are flawed. Our emotions are weak, our bodies are weak, and AI is meant to be the thing that comes in and saves the day. And I just wonder what you think about that.


I think that's a very dangerous...


lens and impulse that is to be expected from what I think we all know of human nature and of ourselves. This, I mean, from the time of who knows forever, maybe, you know, the search for the Holy Grail or alchemy or, you know, like living forever is the dream for some people, a lot of people, apparently. And I think this, um,


phase that we're going through right now, this accelerated phase in not just AI, but quantum computing and nanotechnology and so on and on and on, is really for some people, you can sort of see it. There's like a horizon and it's like, oh, maybe we can see land. There's land over there. Land is like, we can live forever. Oh, maybe we can see it. Maybe it's like just squint into that, into that.


binoculars or whatever, and you could see it and maybe. But what part of us compels us to want that? And then what are we going to like the when you can taste it, that kind of power, freedom, you don't have to die. What are you willing to trample all over in order to have that for yourself? And what kind of rationalizations are you going to make along the way in that direction? So.


Henri (04:27.342)

So yeah, right. If all the science happened and all the testing happened and fast forward, whatever, and someone said to me, Christina, you could plug this into your brain right now, install this chip, do this, whatever, get bionic, plus also, and then just live forever. And there's no downside risk to your health. There's no chance that what you're already able to do in terms of your attention, in terms of connecting with your unconscious mind, in terms of the


kind of quality of consciousness and awakening that people who meditate a lot, the monks, the ancient wisdom traditions talk about, I think pretty much everyone has had those moments of peak experience of consciousness that also we've all felt dwindle and just get chipped away at with the fact that we can't focus for more than five seconds because of the scroll. So already these human, oh.


qualities, aspects, abilities that we just naturally are born with and can develop have been disappearing. But if you were to say to me, all of that still there, more tech in this respect and more connection with more tech and the heightened speed isn't going to mess with your dopamine networks, with your whatever your nervous system as a human can handle, it's just going to add.


And then it's going to be so amazing. And then you're going to know all the knowledge. You're going to have Google in your head. You're going to know everything. Plus, you're going to be able to make all these connections you couldn't make before. And you're going to be able to connect with everybody and feel what they're feeling and who knows. And then you could be Alan Watts too, like the movie. And then off into the cosmos and the aliens and everything's amazing. And you're not going to all turn into the Borg. Okay, cool. That's all upside. Definitely. You put it that way.


People who talk about it kind of have that fantasy, you know, or have that desire dream vision, right? And it's like, let's see it. And then let's make it that way. Yeah. But I think what you're really what you're really pointing to also, because we know how human beings work in this current construct, putting out, you know, dwarf wheat in our lifetime, right from the 1950s to the 1970s and taking a Japanese, you know, some kind of dwarf grass and hybridizing it with our wheat and not testing the outcome.


Henri (06:48.142)

of what that is. And now all of a sudden we have celiac everywhere. It's like, we know that human nature probably isn't going to do the quite level of rigorous testing that you're talking about to really make sure that when they say, hey, there's no downside, that's really real. There's probably not going to be much of that. And so I think that when we think about how we are then being sold this idea, and as you said, this fantasy,


Right. It's almost like going back to back to the future. And it's exactly now. And this is what we're going to be leaning towards. It doesn't really sound so bad. It doesn't sound so bad. It sounds pretty cool. And so how do we how do we combat that when we're being bombarded? Right. You talked about the scroll and just AI and social media and media, media messages, messages, messages. How do we combat that? I think.


As you're speaking, I was sort of thinking, it's like, well, yeah, that makes so much sense that we want that because we want to escape the experience we're having collectively. I think more, you know, just so many issues we're dealing with. Yeah. Individually, collectively, et cetera. Environmentally, what have you. And let's just escape. Right. The tech will fix it. And then we can escape and go into the fantasy world and not have to be here with the


infernos or deal with them or maybe the technology will fix it. Right.


It's like our last ditched effort. How do we deal with it? I think there's also in human nature some kind of pull towards contact, connection, engagement with something that's deep and awe -inspiring and touches us, touches our quote unquote souls, our hearts. We can feel it.


Henri (08:53.614)

through limbic resonance, we need each other, we need touch. There's just a psychological need that we have. Kind of like...


what happened with bookstores. So Amazon, Kindle existed all of a sudden and all the bookstores started closing. And everybody got really scared that, oh my gosh, there are not gonna be any more mom and pop independent bookstores anywhere. And they really were all closing. And years later, something weird happened. There was this resurgence of the independent bookstore. So we all went to Kindle.


And then something where, wait, but I really like actually having a, it feels better. I want to hold it in my hand. There's a tactile experience. It's slower. I can enjoy it more. I can get more enraptured in this experience, in this world, this author's writing to me about with a physical book in my hand instead of, and now science has caught up to why, right? Or that that's, that is the case. If you really want to help your brain light up.


which feels good read from an actual book, not from a screen. That just happened naturally. So what I'm seeing now as I've been concerned about this and going to conferences about this and et cetera for a decade. And way before the AI as we know it today really took shape. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Kind of around the time when Rick Kurtzweil wrote Singularity is Near.


It was like 12 years ago or something. Which could be 2035 they're saying, so side note, get ready. Our lifetimes, right? Yeah. So a really long time. And then at the end of 2022, right? So really 2023 was when ChatGBT came out and all of a sudden mass adoption and everybody got it. And it became the news story. It's on the cover of every magazine. Everyone's talking about this. It's everywhere now.


Henri (10:59.502)

it's become a topic of conversation that we're hearing everywhere and everyone's wise to it all of a sudden, which is really exciting. So I see it, my little like, I told you so guys, haha, I knew it first. Anyway, but I was late. I didn't know anything compared to the people and what they were talking about in Silicon Valley. I was behind. So really, there's levels. But what I'm seeing now since it has begun to...


show up everywhere, there's AI everywhere now. There's like this weird way where I don't quite trust what I see anymore. So when I see like a really beautiful mountain and forest scape photo on my feed as I'm scrolling and I wanna go, wow, that's so cool, I wonder where that is. I can't think that anymore. I know that I have to check for artifacts in the photo to see if I can tell if it was made with AI or if it was really a photo somewhere in like Denmark.


Right, right, where that would exist, yeah. With this kitchen, amazing marvelous kitchen, is this real or is this just someone's like, and it would be fine if it was someone's fantasy kitchen, I just want to know. Right, disclose that. But it's not past office, this is my idea of a creative, like art, AI art, creative kitchen, that's cool, then I want to see your creative, but it's like, as though it's real, in the same way that blogs and SEO stuff and like, right.


Anyway, everywhere. So my sense is there's this natural desire now, because I have to do all this extra labor to be in the world interfacing with stuff online, not knowing if what I'm seeing is reality or not and wanting to, that I'm in search of AI free spaces. So live in person in the world places will naturally be that. And I think people already since


the pandemic have been gravitating to each other, like being together again. But I also think in this kind of the pendulum swinging back, there'll be a natural readjustment to like, wait, but we want each other that matters and it feels good. My life is happier when we have real contact with each other. And I also think online on spaces, there will be AI free spaces, probably behind paywalls.


Henri (13:26.094)

Of course. But yeah, so like I was like, ah, there it is. And I started the Center for Deep Intelligence and deep intelligence being what I call that thing that we can naturally do that we really need to cultivate and protect as we steward our consciousness through into connecting with and adopting artificial intelligence to make sure we don't lose really fundamental valuable priceless things that we can already do. Like, and so there it's like, I haven't been able to read a book.


in 20 years. And I used to love literature, just get lost in literature, cannot read a book. So I started a book club for people who can't read a book, right? Really fun, easy stuff to just begin to use the brain again. Cooking and tea ceremonies and plant medicines and dancing and all sorts of stuff that we just do naturally. More and more communities doing that, supporting that, I think are going to exist to help.


balance? Will they will they pop up and happen enough at the speed that they need to in order? No, definitely not. We if anything, we know that we are we are slow to course, correct? We we have quite an elasticity when it comes to the amount of pain that will endure before we before we make some some kind of change. And I'm curious in your book club.


You know when it sounds like you're buying the physical book for the book club, but is it something that's more open and anybody can kind of choose their own adventure? Or are you really trying to cultivate everybody getting that more tactile physical experience with the book? I highly recommend that if it's not possible, someone's traveling somewhere in the can't. They don't have this book in wherever and I can't get it through whatever sourcing. OK, Kindle is fine. Read the book, you know, but not the audio book.


Literally reading the book. The point is to practice focusing our attention and Developing our ability to pay attention That we've been robbed of it's been hijacked. It's become a you know people Make money off of our attention. Yeah, it's uh, it's interesting I started to I've gone through what your program deep coaching mastery program, which is where you know, we


Henri (15:48.302)

we can get into this at some point, I'm sure, but, you know, generative trance and what that really looks like. And that is something that you learned from Stephen Gilligan, which learned that from Milton Erickson was one of his, I guess, maybe protege is maybe isn't the right word, but I kind of feel like that's that's apt. And and what's really interesting now about going back and reading his book on generative trance, I find myself literally putting my fingers on the pages as I'm reading the words, not like.


you know, in elementary school, we use the fingers to follow the words, but actually touching the pages and especially on passages where I'm like, oh, let me go back and read that again. I find myself almost like not scrolling, but like wanting to really connect in an even deeper way. And I've also, which I've never done before, but I'm I think I like I've started to highlight the book and I started to take notes and I've started to really immerse myself in that experience in which in a way that I've never done that. And I find that I'm reading way slower.


I've only read about 50 pages of the book over the last week since I picked it up and that's okay because I want to digest it. I find myself going back and rereading passages multiple times until it really sinks in. And so I just love this idea of these human experiences of the tactile, of the non -digital really giving us the time to slow down and immerse ourselves into something that's deeper. And so...


I think one of the other things that I know you love to do and you talk a lot about it and you know, the DCMP that I was in and also kind of even leading up to that is this, you know, tea ceremony. I'd love to hear about that. I think it's really important to talk about really specific ways that we can do human things that kind of, as you said, steward our humanity, our consciousness when we're bombarded by the very exciting, very tempting, very seductive.


virtual world of AI. Oh, yeah. The


Henri (17:52.654)

I think these things we've done forever, some of them loop around or spiral around now. And it's like, this is more important than it was 20 years ago. And it was important 20 years ago. Now it's really important again. Like a lot, like maybe when it was first developed and whatever.


Henri (18:14.574)

the experience, being able to really tune your, it's all about attention. Tune your attention and your awareness as much as possible into the body, into the senses, and into the present moment. So it's a very sensual experience, a tea ceremony, right? Like it's very much about waking up what the beautiful aesthetic.


that the person who's creating that, what is the tray and what are the materials and how do they work together? And what is the sound that happens as this teapot is put back on the clay versus when it's put on the wood and something is jingled around and the water is pouring and you can hear that. And can you tell the difference when the temperature of the water is 80 degrees versus 90 degrees versus a hundred and like let it talk to you in that way. And then watching it like, you know, there's different kinds and styles. So right now I'm playing with them.


Chinese style, gongfu cha. And so you're pouring water all over everything. You know, there's like you're on a tray with holes in it so you can get it all wet. And it's kind of like messy at first. It's like, wait, this is all very messy. Shouldn't it be like all perfection and pristine? And it's like, no, like, let the water flow. So there's this like really fluid experience and this very kind of like human like a kid who likes to play in the mud. It's okay to spill water on everything. There's a reason. Oh, yeah.


and watching the light shine and then the aromas wafting around. You can't just chill with your tea. Then you got to rinse it and do this and you have a teapot and you offer the teapot and all these steps. Because you can't just check out, you have to be there with it. As it's unfolding and happening in this experience, you find yourself.


in this meditation. You're creating this trance state of present moment sensual awareness into opening whatever is that is there that is not what's going on on YouTube right now. Like you said, you can't lock the phone. Voices in the head get really quiet, which is what we need. And the beautiful thing about tea ceremony is that you do that with someone or with multiple.


Henri (20:38.99)

people. It doesn't have to be a ceremony. It's just like tea. In China, it's part of culture. You just bring friends over, you go over for tea. Or in Britain, right? He's at four o 'clock. Yeah, and put a cup on. Yeah. Yeah. And it's also just this built -in, we're going to stop now.


and have some tea and put a break in our day and stop running and have some tea. It's like, it's a lovely way to do it. And it's a, it's a really nice way to do it, to deepen. And you can take it as far as you want to take it. You can really meditate with it, like do a full on meditation. Um,


where it's medicine, but it's not psychedelic medicine. So I'm really into all the shamanic stuff too, that all the psychoactive medicines. Big proponent of that is very healing, very helpful, very useful, very potent work, but it's not enough. And I think that's why the Center for Deep Intelligence, all about it, very pro that, but has programming.


That is, how do we have those kinds of deeply awakening and healing and human experiences where we get to be with ourselves and at the limits of our potential currently and have that grow over time. And we can go to those peak experience places, but then like, what do we do like on Tuesday at three o 'clock from the back of our house three weeks later? How do we keep it going and have that be part of the fabric of our lives? This kind of quality.


of attention and human experience and connection and embodiment and joy and centeredness and being with all of our, really importantly, teaching people how to be with all the terrible things. I don't know if we can swear on your podcast or not. Yes, please, please swear the terrible fucking things. With all the shit that's going on in life, right? Life is hard and life now in the world, the world is hard. How do we develop?


Henri (22:50.542)

the ability to tolerate the feelings so that we don't just distract ourselves and go into the computer and just dissociate and disappear and spend our entire lives not really in our lives. Just trying really hard not to feel anything, to not feel and just get the next dopamine hit. Yeah. Big part of this work is almost like, you know, going into those, those states that you can get to with plant medicine, but without the drugs. Yes.


Yeah, that's so i'd love to i'd love to talk more about What deep intelligence is so you said it a few times right you've created a center for deep intelligence, but what is You've kind of skirted around it. But what is deep intelligence and do we all have it? Yeah We all have it we all have access to it um


It's my way of speaking to the, it's my response to artificial intelligence. And you'll see a lot of different people have responses that are similar and they'll use their own language for it, but as an experience of your own mind, body, at levels that normally don't happen when you're just living in your regular world in traffic.


But we've all experienced these times where we are so in flow. Whether it's in a meditation or whether it's some moment of like, I don't know, I was speaking in front of this audience and then I don't know where I went, but just words were coming through me, right? And you were so relaxed and open and just confident. I did that just while you were talking a little bit ago. I was like, just close my eyes and let her tell me about this tea ceremony. Yeah. Yeah.


Yeah, yeah, like we, it's another, it's psycho biologically necessary for us to every now and then disconnect from the kind of driver, quote unquote, left brain, vigilant center that's just analyzing and strategizing all day long, trying to keep us safe and just release and become the river, like be with the birds, you know, like just go into ecstasy, right? Orgasm, sexuality is that. I'd say like,


Henri (25:17.262)

There's a, it's kind of like a sideways version of it where people go to alcohol or drugs in a certain kind of way to just release and let go, right? So that there's that need for that. Well, there are ways to do that and we do experience them just naturally when we're just lost petting our pet. We're just in this other world or when we're in the midst of some creative project and we're loving what we're doing and like eight hours happens and you don't even remember to go to the bathroom or eat like.


It's just common that that is being connected to deep intelligence. And so, you know, meditators is one way to get into there. So anyways, we'll have that experience. And it's important to be relaxed in the body, be able to focus, put our awareness and become absorbed on one thing in the moment. And then there's a kind of experience of opening.


our senses, our awareness wider than our ego identity somehow. So this idea of fields, the collective unconscious, for example, is one way to talk about that or the awareness of - Can you just go a little bit deeper on fields just for those that aren't familiar with that vernacular? Yeah, so like, you know, there's a way that when you walk into a room,


And if everybody's been kind of like, meh, and then you walk in and they stop talking, but you just can feel it in the room. There's this tension in the air. You can't, shh, right? You feel in your body. Your body's responding to inside, to what everybody else's body's been doing in that room, right? Even though no one's telling you anything, so you could tell. Or when someone's lying to you, for example. So there's this way that we're picking up signals from each other.


limbic resonance, general theory of love, you can look at that up the science, it's real science. So in a room like that is an example of the field of the people in the room, even in a zoom room, it exists. But then if you think about your family, anyone who who's listening or watching this, think about your family unit. There's a the one that you're in now the one that you had when you were a kid, there's this energetic vibe.


Henri (27:42.99)

that only you guys who are in it know. And everyone you meet out and about in the world can be like, oh, you guys are so great, whatever the personas we all put for the world. But we know the feeling. And there's certain smells and there's certain songs and there's just certain food and there's a certain ways of like this vibe that is that unit. And everyone in that unit understands something, different things about the world in a similar way together. This is how you do love.


This is what danger is. This is scarcity. This is abundance. This is what a good time means. And it formats us, you know, in our nervous system, when we're young, developing within that. So there's the field of that. There's the field of sort of the conditioning that we receive in our educational systems, right? So what is it to be someone who went to school in North America in the 90s? You know, like...


We all have a kind of vibe that we get that, you know, Gen Z now isn't just, it's different. They got their own. So that, but wider than that, there's like, what is it to be for me? What is it to be a woman in 2024? So the collective field, wisdom, fears of vibe that is just there that I can connect into the sensing of woman.


and all that that comes with all the archetypes of that. Ongoingly, what is it to be the field of being white for me? Right. Or any other race on and on and on. And then you widen that and the sensing of, well, I am also an animal. There's a knowing in my body that is primal, that has nothing to do with humanity, that has to do with just


the same thing that a Panther has, same thing that a bird has. We are the same. We breathe, we eat, we exist, we be in that. We're the family of that collective wisdom. And we can, if we get so quiet in the mind, walk by a tree and open and sense nature, tree connection, that there's this oneness experience that people talk about.


Henri (30:08.59)

which we can cultivate within ourselves. And so that, so deep intelligence is something that emerges when our conscious mind, so the one that we're usually using and a lot of people make wrong or bad, or we try to get away from, no, it's awesome. That one's there, present. And our unconscious mind, so the dream world of us, the places that our wounds are, our patterns, all that stuff, the unconscious mind.


and the collective field minds plural that we are inherently part of that are flowing through us, all that knowledge and information can sense gently and tap into, all happening at the same time. So we're our own individual center identity self and at the same time, everything that we're part of and can sense. That's very the non dual seekers, right? Like practitioners.


know that place, right? Yeah. And that's a very integrated wholesome way to experience life. You get to experience so much more of life that way. You can do so much more from that place. And for me, the danger is with AI because it's so fast.


and so powerful and will magnify the quality of the consciousness that is using it. What is the quality of the human consciousness that is using it? So how do we help and support? Like for me, the Deep Coaching Mastery program is a way, like we need armies of coaches who are able to do it themselves and help through helping their clients in whatever ways to help them tap into and make sure that.


we all collect and therapists and guides and healers and anybody who's out there working with people can do so additionally with these skills of what is a complete human experience? How do we claim our attention back and use that as we get the jobs that we want and the relationships that we want and all the real world things that are also, they're the like carrot. Yeah. Yeah. And so then, so, so we, we have all these fields.


Henri (32:25.166)

right that we both belong to but also can witness can also sense within ourselves, right, even you mentioned kind of, you know, going into nature and seeing tree. I was walking the other day in Central Park and this young you can tell it's probably its first full year of life cardinal, a female cardinal just came right up to me. I didn't call her she just hopped over and she just kept looking at me. And she got so close to


like jump it because I stuck my finger out because I was like, Oh my god, am I gonna have a snow white moment? And she she was so close. But she just stepped she just kind of continued to stay there. And then I went back a couple days later. And she literally flew down from where she was came over hopped over to me and just kept she came I mean, inches away from me and I was like, I wish I had some seeds or something. But it but in that moment, it was like I could just feel my connectedness to nature.


because this bird and one could argue, well, at Central Park, they're used to people feeding them. This bird was a baby, right? This was in its first mating season. You could just tell it wasn't a full blown massive cardinal because they can get pretty big. And so I don't know if it had its own conditioning, right? Around, oh, I see human because its mate didn't come up to me. The other birds didn't come up to me. It just looked right at me and was like, hmm. And it just kept cocking its head. And so it's like being able to interact.


with nature in that moment, I was completely open. The whole world fell away and I just could feel I am that bird and that bird is me, which I know is really starts to get out there kind of thing. Right, and you start talking about the stuff and it starts sounding so woo and that we don't have language for it, but it's not. It's really real. And frankly, I mean, without getting too tangential, like the word woo in general pisses me off because I think that it was a, you know,


The things that want to oppress and suppress information are always so good at branding. They are the master marketers of the universe and taking symbols and meanings of things and co -opting them into this dirty word or this like thing. And so woo, I think is just this way for those powers that be whatever the hell those are to take spirituality and co -opt it to be some...


Henri (34:44.846)

Something that whatever that thing is, whether it's good or bad or just something to like other. Yeah, so my little my little rant on woo I that word pisses me off, but it's not woo right? And what's so interesting is the more I talk to you and this is where you know you really opened my eyes to so much more and and you know I took my first mushroom ceremony last year. And the things that I learned.


were things that I knew I already knew. And the only reason why I already knew that I knew them, you know, say that five times fast, was because of the way that you opened up my field to be able to sense and understand those other fields. And the more I talk to these people, this language is so common, right? And everybody always then goes, well, I don't want to sound crazy, right? But what if it's just not crazy? What if it's not crazy at all? What if that's just?


It is I could feel this bird and I could feel that I was no different than that bird other than two feet, right? And two hands and I walk differently and I think differently and obviously nervous system, I call that stuff. But otherwise, we were just connected. And I kept thinking to myself, like, who are you? All right, I had this instant feeling of like, you know me and I know you. I don't know what that means or where that is coming from. But I just had this sense of like, ha, you know, we're seeing each other.


And, and it does it sounds crazy because of the way that we've conditioned to think but what if it's not crazy at all? What if that just is? What if it's exactly that? What if we're all right? We are. Or we are. We are right. This is a rule. Yeah, I think it's really normal and not incredible except that we've lost it. And there's this way where we kind of have to refine it. And then,


we do and then it's like, oh my gosh, whoa. Except I think it's just our natural.


Henri (36:51.918)

heritage to have. That's just what mind does. Right. Wouldn't that be wonderful if everyone just knew that that was Tuesday? That's what happens. It's like, you know, on Tuesdays we sit with birds on Wednesdays we hug trees. Right. Right. Would that be cool? Would that be a great, a great way to just connect with things? Yeah. And, and, and do that. And then like go home and like do some


crazy productivity thing with AI, you know, like great. Awesome. Yeah. You know, or whoever humanoid robot that has AI in it, that's handling the dishes. Yeah. That's cool. Yeah. Yeah. And so I think, so, so as we open up, you know, we've got this field, we can sense these fields and as we start to come to understand and sense ours, and as you said, I think,


you said deepen a couple of times and you said, excuse me, you said widen a couple of times. And I know that through the work that I've done with you, there's also then that sense of deepening. So I'd love to talk about that, right? So we've talked about going wider and wider and more fields and bigger fields and all these other intersectionalities. What does it mean when you say go deeper? So that's more into the unconscious mind. So that's sinking in underneath the


if you think of the part of us that, you know, what do I do? I got to do the laundry and this thing's going on at my job. And what do I do? What do I do about the job? And then like, how do I handle this? And then these things. And then we're like spinning about like what happened yesterday and the past and then like freaking ourselves out with what ifs about the future. Like it's totally hallucinating stuff. And then we're using language to hallucinate mostly, right? To hallucinate about these things and talk ourselves into and out of them sideways. And what do we do all day long?


This is what we're doing, right? Emotions with stories. Yeah. And then the stories create the emotions and the whole thing is just such a trip. That's OK. It's OK. And sometimes it's helpful, right? Like two plus two is four and we could write essays and we know how to do science and all. It's amazing. Build buildings and roads and stop signs and everybody knows how to stop on red. And it's fantastic. But being human can be hard is what you're saying. It's rough. It's a hard thing. It is.


Henri (39:19.406)

But that's all that part of the brain and we could quote unquote short form it to the left brain. Ian McGillchrist talks about that and his master and his emissary, his work's gotten pretty popular in the last years.


Henri (39:35.15)

And we can see that as sort of being like.


being on a boat or a raft on the surface of the water, right? Which is great. It's nice to be up there. And it's sunshiny. And there's wind and mountains and things you can see on the horizons. It's really cool. Map things out and navigate by the stars and all that stuff. Fantastic. Well, you want to do that. So you're up there. And underneath there, you're only aware though.


of maybe what's on the surface of the water up there and you're aware of the maybe currents you can kind of see and maybe you see a dolphin or a whale every now and then. Maybe there's some seaweed in the water that you're aware of, but there are these hints and signals that there's something going on underneath the water and we extrapolate what that is, but we're not really experiencing it. We just kind of sense it's like there's fish, but you know. Right. Then,


we can put on our diving gear, right? And like jump into the water and start slowly immersing ourselves and coming down away from the part of our brain that does thinky, thinky and keeps hypervigilance going and et cetera. Lots of like fidgety movements and tightness and whatever. And just let ourselves sink or like let go of the bank of the river.


in a way that that safe place of seeing with that kind of vision and through relaxation and softening and becoming absorbed, breathing, slowing down. The meditation does this. Hypnosis does this in the West. Certain kinds of dances do this repetitive, anything repetitive that has rhythm, very feeling present state.


Henri (41:28.782)

we can begin to sink down in our awareness into our own unconscious waters, into the reservoir, the place within us that dreams. So where all those images and memories come from, they're all there. And then they all being swirled around and recreated and synthesized and played with in this sort of inside imagination space.


That is this very different space and in psychology now we all generally agree what's really going on with us is happening in these deeper unconscious places. It's sort of the iceberg underneath the water part that's running the ship. How can we become more and more aware of ourselves and who we are in these places where insight comes from, intuition comes from, the gut sensing comes from?


and we really can begin to connect there. And as we do that, for anyone who's any kind of helper, healer, coach, therapist, worker, then you start doing things like parts work, you know, like that's become popular recently, or all sorts of different modalities, but you can really begin to touch, and these are the things that happen in plant ceremonies, is you...


gain access, you're able to trace your nervous system, your neurons back further into, oh, that's why I do that thing. And then not just conceptually, oh, because my dad didn't say this when I was a kid or this trauma happened to me or whatever, but actually experientially go to the place within us where that wounding lives or the hole that the wounding's left behind exists.


that all the defense mechanisms come from. And we really can, in science, with the relaxation and the state, relaxation and absorption are really necessary, produce or create new nerves in our brains. So neurogenesis and neuroplasticity are real. They can happen all throughout the rest of our lives. It's not just for children.


Henri (43:46.03)

Right. And so what you're what you're saying, if I understand it correctly, is is you can get to that that deeper place, that place where the fight or the unmet need or the thing where all this dysfunction kind of comes from, if using that word loosely and you can connect to that and in that moment experience it and experience it for its I'm adding a little here, experiencing it for its fullness.


as if it's in the present and then create a different outcome. Is that fair? Yeah, we have to be careful with that because we don't want to... So it is possible to learn how to do that and to develop our capacity to be able to do that at, when we say deeper, that kind of correlates with more intense versions of the places within us that hurt. So we don't want to like...


reopen something too quickly and then we kind of re -traumatize ourselves. You know, our unconscious mind is very smart and knows just enough to allow into our awareness. We know about the stuff that happened, but we don't need to feel it every day. Right, fair. We just leave it there. When we were five, the thing happened, you know. We're so resilient as children, right? But at some point, we want to stop yelling at our partner. We want to stop getting triggered when our partner does la la la, you know? Yeah.


And then we go to the coach or we go to the ceremony or whatever. And what we end up doing, if we want to heal and change that pattern is we find ourselves going back and why, where does it come from? When the triggering and you touch where it comes from now, ah, that place when I was five and you can know how to learn how to, or be with someone who knows how to guide you to touch it in just enough of a way and to have what is required, the resources, the lightness, the levity, the playfulness.


the love, along with all the other parts that might show up within you, everyone is so different on their own that you really can allow that wounded piece to feel the original feeling that we clamped down on in that moment because it was too much for us back then. And feel it genuinely, but now we're feeling it in connection.


Henri (46:11.374)

to someone else in a session or to ourselves in a higher version of ourselves that is now also online doing this process or doing right. It's like older, wiser, fuller being who really can now feel that, allow that feeling. And we're not trying to make it stop. We're trying to give it space. And this is the open, wider space. And there's fields. It's not just our own isolated little ego mind feeling this.


Right? In this wide open space of all that is available. And every person's experience of that is unique to them. And in each moment that they're experiencing it, have it be, get what it needs to be seen, to be understood, to be felt, to just not be alone for a minute. And it often doesn't need.


seven years of being held, well, it's like seen and understood before it releases. You know, like sometimes it's pretty quick, you know? There's no timeline, but it's like, oh, oh, and it gently goes, oh, and then all of a sudden I don't need to do the trigger -y thing anymore because I get a new place within the system of this, for Christina's body, Christina's mind. I get to be here too, and I matter, and I'm not alone, and like I'm felt.


Okay, well, okay, I don't have to fight for it anymore. All right. So when my partner is doing that thing and it's poking that specific wound, the reaction becomes different. Yes. Yeah, we were able to stay in our higher selves and our better selves, right? So if we're having a good day and our partner does the thing, it doesn't necessarily trigger us. We're like, okay, he was just, he just forgot whatever. Right. Anyway.


We're just having a great day and we're very forgiving. We get it, right? But if we're depleted and we're tired and some other bad thing happened and then the partner does the same thing, we just don't have the capacity in that moment. We lose our center. We come off our center lingo, right? Come off our attuned, awake, aware person and freak the fuck out. It's our partner. We just can't handle one last thing. Did you know that I'm in a bad mood?


Henri (48:31.118)

Damn it. So with that healing, once there's sort of a healing process and whatever that is for the person that's happening has happened, there's a greater capacity and awareness and ability to just stay sane and not get triggered. We still might get triggered. It's not like you heal it once and it's forever. Anyone who does any kind of this work who's worth their salt knows that it just is ongoing for a lifetime.


and isn't promising anyone. It's like, you're gonna be healed forever and never be sad again. It's like there are the facets to a diamond, you know? It's like there are so many facets. And I always say, you know, when someone's like, fuck, I thought I worked on this. I did this for years. I did so much stuff. I paid so much in therapy and with coaching and all that. But it's like, and this thing just happened that's in the, that's in the field of that, if you will. And it's like, but, and I always say, but you've never experienced it.


at that way, in that facet. And so you couldn't have ever prepared, there's no amount of work that would have prepared you for that because the work you did was on these five ways that this shows up in my life constantly. And it's like, what you didn't realize is that there's probably six through 200 ways that it shows up in your life. And so that's where, you know, it's ongoing. It is lifelong work to, especially as us 90s and 80s and 70s babies. So.


Totally. And the good thing is, the nice thing to know is that once you learn the skill on how to maneuver there, when it comes up again, you'll know what to do. So you don't get lost in it for three weeks until it kind of naturally fades on its own or whatever, like two nights of not talking to your partner until eventually y 'all go to a football game and everything's fine. That you know how to hold yourself when you lose your mind.


Like all the things happening. Okay, feel it. Yeah. Hey guys, texting my friends. I'm feeling I'm feeling this thing. Ah, I'm fine. Feeling it. It sucks. I'm fine. Just want somebody to know. Yeah, even in that I think sometimes it's just it's just the witnessing. Yeah, right. It's being able to be witnessed in that moment by someone outside of your field of your field right now. Just be like, yo, this is how I'm feeling.


Henri (50:57.934)

You know, I don't need to fix me. I don't need you to do anything. I just need you to know that I'm feeling this in this moment and that witnessing could do such wonder. You even said, right, when we're doing our own internal work, just going down in there and be like, hey, I see that that happened here. And, you know, whatever comes out of that conversation between your, as you said, your higher self and that that moment in time or that moment of stuckness within your body, just witnessing sometimes can be the all the release that it needs.


That's really important. And I think that is one of the good things about AI. So. Tell me more. There were some studies about there was like really bad version long ago version of artificial intelligent therapist. And they did some studies and or there was a study done. And I think it was people who were vets veterans.


PTSD and stuff. And they sort of they talked about their stuff to a person therapist and they talked about their stuff to this sort of computer AI thing on the screen. And they actually shared more with the AI therapist than the person therapist. Because it turns out they were they weren't as afraid of being judged as by the person, which is nice to know. That's cool. OK, interesting. So are we all out of jobs? I think that's a very specific case example.


What I absolutely know is that when I'm in my trigger -y place about XYZ thing that happened because of my parents, and everyone's got their stories. The wound or the place that didn't get seen, heard, loved, accepted, approved of, whatever, happens.


Henri (52:56.238)

It's going to be a really different experience if an AI avatar character humanoid robot that looks like a real person, but I know is, says all the right things to me. Oh honey, you're okay. La la la. You know, I'm here with you. You're not alone. Human robot, right? Says that versus another actual person who has a lived experience of wounding and trauma and, and has it, it has that wisdom in their body of their own.


moving through the maze of it all in limbic system, who can be there with me and say, I see you, you're not alone. I get what you're talking about. Like this is, we share this together. I feel this with you. Right. Then that place inside can really just relax and let go and be held by, cause I know that being knows what I'm talking about.


feel it with me, sense it with me in the same way that you sense the bird. Right? Yeah. And yeah, like, no matter how good the avatar is, it can't, it can't offer this. No. And it goes back to what you were saying about kind of the the resonant and being able to feel the field when you walk into a party and it's like, right, you're just you just know that some shit went down or there's some weird awkwardness and you won't be able to feel any of that.


from AI. And, you know, no matter how humanoid it looks, you'll just know that it cannot possibly understand the felt experience that you are having, even if they've never experienced it, even if the person you're, you're, you're in conversation with, and having them witness what you're feeling, even if they've never experienced that emotion or that feeling for themselves, a human still has the ability to still kind of sense.


what's going there. You know, you don't have to have comprehension to have compassion. Right. And and so, yeah, I just think I love that you'll never you'll never get that from AI. Right. And then I don't I don't right. Like what is consciousness and is technology going to develop to a point where the systems end up being consciousness, but different.


Henri (55:18.126)

Maybe a different kind. Sure. I'm really interested in that. That's so cool. You know, maybe it'll be like a super trip to plugged into extra, you know, it's like we're talking about deeper to me. It feels like AI is kind of like higher. It's like then going into the sky. So that's cool. Whatever that's going to be. You know, there's the surface of the ship and then we have our natural abilities that we have been kind of being chipped away at. And we should not lose this because it is amazing and magical and necessary.


But also, yeah, fuck, let's go to the sky. I want to go out of Jupiter. I want to see what it's like up there. And if AI can be that cool, as long as it doesn't overwhelm and completely destroy what's underneath the water, where we just lose access to it completely. Yeah. Yeah. And so if you had to kind of succinctly state, and maybe it doesn't have to succinct might be the wrong word, but if you kind of had to...


sum up what it really means to cultivate your humanity in these times that we're in with AI? What would that, what would that or what could that sound?


Henri (56:32.558)



Henri (56:49.326)

to explore and experience as much as you can with all of your senses, with all of your body.




experience experiment with every archetypal energy that you're aware of, you know, like, what is it to be? What is your version of what it is to be a wise elder and a silly kid and a serious professional and I don't know a thief.


Like all of the experiences of what that is, have them. Like don't go stealing things, you know, stay safe. Go learn yourself through tactile in the actual world, knowing yourself and feel all of the feelings. Take it as a science experiment. Read the books and eat the oranges. It's like a very sensual life.


Make sure that you know how to become aware of what level of dissociated you are from this moment and from what you're experiencing in this moment. All of these online things just take us away. They're like our little drug to go away from ourselves. Let's come back into ourselves. The further along we get on that exploration, the more sensitized we become.


Henri (58:30.03)

So get really sensitive to the hearing and the feeling and the knowing and sensing another person, a human connection, and then start to feel the trees and the birds and the wind. And I remember it totally sober, totally sober. But because I've been meditating a lot and like really exploring all of this, walking down the street, feeling, moving from the shade into the sun as I walked under a tree.


And in this one moment, because I was so present and open with my consciousness, good practicing, walked into the sun and felt the warmth of the sun, which I have how many millions of times in my lifetime, right? And not ever noticed it. But because I was so in tune, felt the warmth and it was like...


Henri (59:24.078)

There's like an insane fusion explosion furnace up in the sky that's just blowing up. And I'm feeling the heat from that explosion right now. That's what I'm feeling. There's a crazy burning furnace up in the sky and I'm feeling the heat of that right now. Right? Like it tripped. It was so fun to sense that. But.


And it sounds like, you know, like I wrote the thing on Facebook, you know, and somebody made some comment. It was like smoke much lately. It totally sounds like something someone would say when they're tripping. But, but I was so sober and, and wow, because that's real. Right? Like I was not non confronting the magnificent miracle of what it is to be alive as a human right now.


And how many moments like that are we missing all day long? We are not confronting the miracle of what all of this stuff is that if we just cultivated our awareness and our attention and our nervous system being, right, we could get that back. We can have that, become more alive. Right. The only downside on being more sensitive and able to be a little bit. There's a downside.


There's the downside. I thought this was all the rainbows and the sparkles and the... Okay. Is you got to feel the tough stuff too. So that means you see, you know, like you got to be really careful what you allow yourself and your awareness on the news, you know, but you also don't want to like not confront it. So, but you feel it. And that's that what that is what it is to be a human on this planet connected to other humans.


We can non -confront and pretend. I know for certain my consciousness cannot handle feeling everything there is to feel of all of the reality that's happening on the surface of this planet at this moment. I can't handle it. I can barely handle my own stuff. It's an agreement I've made with some deeper part of myself that I do want to be the most alive and I do want to feel and be connected to my fellow humans and at whatever level.


Henri (01:01:49.806)

is the just enough level in this moment. I want the awe and the joy and the bliss and I'm here for it to be connected to my fellow humans on the other side of it as well. And help in whatever way that I can without getting lost and losing my center. Cause then I'm useless to everybody, right? So I don't want to get traumatized. I don't want to come from a kind of reactionary, trigger -y kind of...


because I can easily just easily also dissociate into extreme anger. Dissociation is real fun. Yeah. Yeah. Cause more damage, polarity, disconnection, right? It's just like, the whole thing. You got to feel the whole thing. You're going to be human. Yeah.


And so what I think that was so beautifully said and what it really brings to mind for me is this idea of building a relationship with yourself. Right? We're so indoctrinated with this idea that everything is out there. Everything that we want to experience is, you know, you want joy and you want happiness, go to Disney World. Right. You want you want magic and wonder. Go see a show. You want to laugh. You have to do.


You know, you have to go see a comedy special or all of these things. The list is, the list is literally probably infinite, but it's all outside of ourselves. And what I really hear in your words is building a better relationship with us and that we have everything that we need to feel every sensation that we want, both good and bad. And we also have the capacity to hold all of it.


Period. I love that.


Henri (01:03:40.334)

So this was this was great. I really love this conversation. I think there's so much more to uncover. And I would honestly love to ask you that question again in a year. Yeah. Right. How do you how do you define that now? Right. Because I imagine it's not going to be stagnant. It's going to be evolving as this. Right. We talked about a brief mention of the singularity by 2035 sometime in the next 20 years or so, whatever the singularity means, you can definitely Google that. But it means that your definition may also change.


or not even change, but just evolve as the understanding of how this all works and interconnects with one another evolves as well. For sure. Thank you. I love this stuff and I could talk about it all day. And so, you know, we mentioned Deep Coaching Mastery Program, affectionately DCMP. And I think that you're currently you're currently working on your next cohort. Is that correct?


Yeah, the fourth one is about to go. So we have a few more weeks of enrollment for that. It's amazing. Something I realized today. So it's a training for coaches and therapists and healers and guides and masseuses and people who work with people to add.


the depth and the breadth that we were talking about, the ability of all of this ability to do all of this for yourself and then for and with your clients, really with your clients to do your work within that space that accesses all these different parts of them and how to skillfully do it so that it isn't really here's the seven steps on how to do it, but you're really doing jazz of the soul with them. And something happened.


today. So someone who was in cohort three signed up again to do it again, in cohort four. The first time I ran it, half the people in the first cohort signed up to do it again in the second cohort. This is an intensive program. It's six months. It's a real it's a certification training. It's a lot of hours in class. And then you got to do practice and supervision all the stuff. It's involved. Experiential. It's not stuff you can learn on the surface of the water. You have to absolutely cannot learn it.


Henri (01:05:58.19)

Yeah, the learning part was actually the hardest part for me and I'm a learner. Yeah, but because it's so felt it is so felt you just cannot read the PDF or the books or you just can't you can't there's plenty of that but it's not the course. The people who did that state at that level kind of dropped out. And then the people who did the experiential bit have now like now I've just had enough experience with it was like people keep re signing up for this. And it partly it's the


personal transformation and it just gets deeper and deeper and deeper. I keep signing up for similar trainings in my own world for like 15 years. I'm just always training because it just keeps being more and more incredible. So people are going through their own transformations and also there's coaching gets better. They get more clients, all of that stuff. But also what I think is happening is that it's a place within one's life where we get.


we intentionally carve out, because we paid money to do a course, so we're gonna show up for it. We carved out two and a half hours a week, our busy, busy lives, where we come to connect to ourselves and with our cohort in the field of the class, and we get to be dipped into this place. And it's so rare, and we want it so much, and it's an excuse to go there, and it's because I'm taking a course, right?


that I'm like, I'm being productive so I can drop in. And when it's not part of people's lives, I had someone else talk to me. It's like, oh, it's been a long time since your last cohort. One of my supporters, she was just like, I miss it. I miss it in my week as part of the rhythm and the cycle of my lifestyle, which is one of the questions that you asked, I think, like, how do we do that? Find ways to make it part of your life. And this is one of the ways.


like in a regular kind of cadence. And over time, it just becomes available to you as your lifestyle instead of the special thing you do when you went to ceremony that one time in the jungle. Yeah. Yeah. And I think for me, when you say that, it really, I just call it staying in the field, right? Because it's so easy to get out of it. It's so easy to get bogged down by your day -to -day bullshit.


Henri (01:08:22.126)

your own triggers and traumas, your own frustrations, the world news, all this stuff. It's so easy. And you forget, and I'll, you know, speaking for myself, you forget the possibility that arises from a container like this. And I'll admit, I was not the model student in DCMP, because I was going through a lot of stuff, but I will tell you, if I did not have DCMP, I don't know where I would have ended up. I don't even know if I would be here.


having this amazing conversation with you on this podcast because I needed it to not needed it. I think that that sounds. Sounds needy, but it's like I.


Being in that field allowed me to remember and just keep reminding myself that one, I'm resourced, that two, that there are so much more that I can go, as you said, wider and I can go deeper. And it doesn't all have to be this crazy bullshit that I'm dealing with. There's so much more to that. And it's such a beautiful reminder to be able to be in that space, right? And I think, especially as coaches, I think we're often,


education addicts. I will speak, I will, I will very much speak for all coaches, a lot of us, I feel like are really education junkies. But I think there's something so much more to it. I think that is exactly that staying in that field, and in that world of possibility. And that's what this work really, really brings about. So. So it's open for enrollment is, and I'm assuming there are still some spots left.


for people if they want to explore. It's actually full at the number that I had it at. So I'm going to open up about five more spots. Okay, great. I'll be open for enrollment a little while longer. And then we'll have another cohort coming together later this year. Perfect. Yeah, so I will obviously drop that link to the Center for Deep Intelligence website where you can check out Deep Coaching Mastery program if that sounds like something that would be of interest to you. And then of course you can get in touch with


Henri (01:10:32.398)

with Christina, but for everyone else, what are some ways that they can interact with you more?


So something we do at the Center for Deep and Travel every Wednesday is Soul Space. It's free. So I run up a sort of a meditation, one of these trance processes to help you like drop in into the space that we've been talking about. It's been going on every Wednesday for two and a half years now. Wow, it's really been two and a half years. Yeah. Wow. Right? Wow. Damn, I remember the I remember. Wow, the first one. That's wild.


Yeah. And people just kept coming. I just did it as a little guinea pig experiment for myself. Like I just want this for, let's see. And it just hasn't stopped. It's amazing. And it's just growing naturally, organically, beautifully. So that's a really nice community feel. People get to, they come a lot every week. So there's people come every week or drop in and out, but, and it's free and we do a lot of, there's a lot of learning that happens there. And I work as a, as a coach. So I do love.


one of the things that happens when people have been coaching for a long time, they start to scale and start one to many, you know, so there's some group things I do in groups and whatever, but and they move away from the private coaching, which they never really liked that much. I love it. So I'm available as as a one on one coach, I don't have a lot of clients, because I like to keep it small, so I could really put my attention on the people I work with. But if


personal journey of this style and and nature of exploration is interesting Reach out to me. You could find my email on the Center for Deep Intelligence website or Christina Berkeley comm is my other website And I will have all of that stuff also in the show notes for those of you that want to get in touch Yeah, yeah, it's we're all just at this point walking each other through whatever is happening. Yeah. Yeah


Henri (01:12:33.038)

And if you and then one other thing that I'll bring up just because I I've personally listened to it is you have the I believe it's the three seeds as one of the welcome gifts if you sign up for the newsletter, which is a recorded experience that that kind of we've been talking about. And so if you sign up for the newsletter, you also get access to that. So I highly recommend if you want to do that as a, you know,


a low investment interaction without the feeling of pressure. That's a really great way to do that. So I'll include that. But yeah, this has been such a such a moment for me. Like I said, you are one of the most special people in my life. And I just love you to pieces. And great to be with you. I just need the work you're doing. Yeah, it's so needed.


Thank you for listening to this episode with Coach Christina Berkeley on being human in the age of AI. If you enjoyed it, I would love for you to give a rating and review. But otherwise, if you haven't already subscribed to wherever you listen to your podcasts. Going forward, we'll be releasing episodes on Mondays and Wednesdays. So I hope to see you there. And I would be remiss if I didn't dedicate this first episode to my mother for whom without her, her love, her unconditional support and compassion.


I would not be here. I love you, Mom.